
Co-Vocacional is an “out-of-the-box“ approach that can have a great gospel impact in Latin America. We are looking for individuals and churches who, guided by the Lord, would feel excited to partner with us.

About Me

Hi! My name is Jaime Jiménez. I grew up in northern Mexico. For the last 20 years, I have been involved in church planting in different capacities. In God’s providence, I have had the opportunity to learn from and collaborate with churches and pastors across Latin America; I have been a church planter in different settings; I have trained and coached church planters in several countries; and I have collaborated with various networks and church planting ministries. I am a learner.
My educational background is first as an Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer (ITESM, 2001). Later, I completed an M.Div. at Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, MS (2007). I was ordained as a minister in the National Presbyterian Church of Mexico 15 years ago and later transferred my credentials to the Presbyterian Church in America (PCA). I am pursuing a Ph.D. in Intercultural Studies at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School (Deerfield, IL), with a particular interest in the intersection of missional ecclesiology and Latin American Protestantism. I love reading Rene Padilla, Samuel Escobar, Lesslie Newbigin, David Bosch, Alan Hirsch, Paul Hiebert, Michael Goheen, and anything written by my professors.

I serve part-time as Pastor of Missional Discipleship at Grace Presbyterian in The Woodlands (PCA). I also collaborate with Mission to the World’s RADD team. I am married to Natalia, and we have two kids. I enjoy the outdoors, jigsaw puzzles, watching soccer, and listening to Latin American Trova. I am passionate about collaborating with pastors and church planters for the sake of making Christ known in Latin America and beyond.

Let’s Partner

We are looking for prayer and financial partners who would like to invest in my role as a catalyst and in key leaders in Latin America as we develop Co-Vocacional together.

If you are interested in partnering and would like to know more about our work, financial needs, and accountability process, we will be glad to set up a call.

We are committed to pursuing good stewardship of the Lord’s resources and financial transparency. We also believe in the importance of investing in local leaders while avoiding creating financial dependency.

Our support is being received through Xpansion.

Advisory and Accountability Team

Three pastors with a heart for Jesus and great experience in church-planting and global work serve as my advisory and accountability team. If you would like to speak to any of them regarding questions about partnering with Co-Vocacional, we will be glad to set up a call.

Rev. Brad Wright - Grace Presbyterian The Woodlands

Rev. Douglas Domier, Ph.D. - C&MA Hispanic Ministries

Rev. Gary Watanabe, City-To-City Consultant Advisor 

“Dual-role ministry, or tentmaking, as a means for Christian leaders to finance their mission has been the practice of the Church since its inception. In fact, throughout church history, the full-time, fully funded pastor is the exception and bivocational ministry is the norm.”

- David Gustafson, Church Historian and Evangelism professor at Trinity Evangelical Divinity School.