We long to see an exponential multiplication of co-vocational church planters saturating Latin America with the gospel of Jesus.

We develop pathways for co-vocational leaders to propel them in God’s mission. We seek to inspire others to God’s mission, develop integral church-planting training accessible to co-vocational church planters, and re-imagine church-planting in contextualized and sustainable ways. All to see Latin America being reached for Jesus. 

  • A fantastic opportunity

    Co-vocational ministry has been the most common practice for leaders throughout history across the world. It has been a decisive factor in the growth and expansion of the gospel in the face of adversity, persecution, and scarcity of financial resources.

  • The story behind

    Co-vocational ministry crossed my mind for the first time more than a decade ago when my support for church-planting in Mexico suddenly cut by 30%. My immediate concern was finding a way to provide for my wife and our newborn baby without renouncing my sense of calling.

  • Why are we doing it?

    The vision and mission of Co-Vocacional are not driven by pragmatism or strategic considerations. The idea of Co-Vocacional comes as a result of several core biblical convictions that we seek to apply faithfully to particular contexts.

  • How do we work?

    Developing healthy leaders is a discipleship process. It takes time and intentionality. It is a multifaceted task. And it is only possible by the work of the Spirit. We create opportunities for leaders to be inspired & equipped and for church planting to be reimagined.

  • FAQ

    Co-vocational ministry is not a new idea. However, in many contexts, it has become a “lost art” that needs to be recovered. Here you can find brief answers to some of the most common questions that the conversation provokes.

  • Partnering

    Co-Vocacional is an “out-of-the-box“ approach that can result in great gospel impact in Latin America. We are looking for individuals and churches who, guided by the Lord, would feel excited to partner with us. If you would like to learn more click here.

The news that the rejected and crucified Jesus is alive is something that cannot possibly be suppressed. It must be told.
— Lesslie Newbigin